Wealth TransferAsset ManagementInsuranceBusiness PlanningCollege PlanningPersonal Finance

Starter Questions


At what age or what year would i like to retire ?
What lifestyle ( expenses, income, activities,...) do i want when i retire?
What do i need to do right now to achieve my retirement goals ?

Life Insurance

Who depends on me for Income?
What would happen to my dependents if i died today?
How much life insurance do i need?
How much total Life insurance coverage do i currently have? 
What types of Life Insurance do i currently have?
How much in premiums am i paying on a monthly basis?
How can i lower my premiums?
Have my existing Life Insurance policies performed the way they were set out to perform?
When was the last time I reviewed my existing Life Insurance policies for performace, cost, etc?


What is the compositions of my investments?
How have my Investments performed in comparison to my goals?
Iam i working with a with a Financial Professional?

Contact Us
KP Financial

Obel Financial Advisors
Emmanuel Obel
Financial Advisor
Direct: (415) 879-0057
Office: (650) 373-2069
Fax: (650) 373-2002
Email:  eobel@obelfs.com

533 Airport Blvd #400
Burlingame, CA 94010